Fast Events Ticketing

If online payments are used, the plugin currently only works for companies, associations, foundations … based in a SEPA country. There is no regional restriction for free tickets or RSVP meetings.
Getting started
A global overview of the features that Fast Events supports and how to install and configure the plugin.
Feature overview of Fast Events: Introduction
Install the Fast Events plugin: Installation
Overview: Usage overview
Global Settings: Settings
Changelog: Changelog
How to use the different part in Fast Events.
Events administration: Events
Order administration: Orders
Tools: Tools
Ticket personalisation Ticket personalisation
Example usage Tools
An Admin App(Android, IOS and Web) is available to manage all components of the Fast Events plugin. Multiple (sub)accounts can be created in the Admin App and authorisations can be limited to certain events and functionality.
With Fast Events you can use our free scanning app for Android and IOS. No need for expensive scanning equipment, just use your phone.
Use the FE Tracking App especially for sporting events to enable participants to signal checkpoints on the route in the App and upload the time when they are passed to the event organiser’s server. Enjoy real-time route updates and news from the organisation about the event.
Advanced features
Fast Events provides you with a Public API and Webhooks to deliver different events, making it easy to integrate with external systems.
For developers, Fast Events also offers a range of actions and filters.
Most things work better when they’re maintained. We have compiled a number of recommendations in the areas of security, performance and data analysis tools. This list is by no means exhaustive, but we urge you to keep an eye on security and performance to keep your software running safely and performantly.
Public API: api
Webhooks: webhooks
Actions & filters: actions & filters
Data analysis: analysis
Security: security
Performance: performance
Developing, improving and maintaining an plugin like Fast Events takes and mobile apps for Android and IOS takes a lot of time. Please consider sponsoring the development of this plugin or a one-off donation if you have successfully executed an event.